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Recent content by adamGFN

  1. adamGFN

    Gamescom 2014: Dying Light Gameplay Trailer Shows Off 4-Player Co-Op (new trailer)

    Agreed. But I'm most likely picking this game up. It's 50-50, but I'm due for a new game :)
  2. adamGFN

    New dude from SoCal!

    Thank you for the welcomes and it's awesome to see fellow GOW fanatics.
  3. adamGFN

    Will you be picking up Dying Light?

    I pre-ordered it today, but it all makes sense being a Dead Island/Mirror's Edge clone. Though I don't mind first person and free running abilities, I'm skeptical on how the actual gameplay will turn out and I do have preconceived notions that the game will be repetitive. Otherwise, I am due for...
  4. adamGFN

    New dude from SoCal!

    Hello all! My name's Adam and I'm from Southern Cali. I currently own a PS4, but I previously owned an Xbox 360 (obsessed with Gears of War 3). Loving the PS4 so far! I'm a first-year physical therapy student, so video gaming is one outlet for me to unwind. I'm looking forward to read the...