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Is PLaystation VR worth me buying it?


, , The Enforcer, ,
Have you actually tried it for yourself Alex?
Two of my PSN friends have it and tell me for the price of what you get and experience its very good and they love it.
I wouldnt mind getting it sometime in the future but Ive yet to try it myself too.


Have you actually tried it for yourself Alex?

Yes Oberon, I've tried it. The small shop where I buy my games from has one available for a demo.
I played 3 games (about 30 minutes in total): Hustle Kings, Until Dawn Rush of Blood and Drive Club. All three are VR native.

The wow factor is impressive, I admit. Expecially with race games I had my troubles to remain standing on my feet.
The visor is ergonomically very well projected, it's balanced and confortable. It also allows to wear headset and glasses meanwhile, which is good.
After some minutes though, visor & headset together begin to be heavy and it's not difficult to sweat so, inside the visor, the lenses steam up... lol.
By playing only 30 minutes I didn't notice anything wrong with my eyes, but I bet they would hurt or get dry or something, very soon.
The controller is still necessary to play then everything is just a videogame with a wide angle of vision, nothing more.

As I stated recently in other posts, this is not yet Virtual Reality as they call it. I will not buy it for sure, neither for me nor for my kids.


, , The Enforcer, ,
Well it does sound like you said it is impressive,despite you not wanting one.
As for lenses fogging up,well a variety of factors can contribute that and may be remedied.
It also happens sometimes on my plastic google cardboard headsets.


Impressive is for sure, no doubts. Also because it's something we are not used to.

As always happens nowadays though, advertising and marketing machine pump up the advantages and the miracles of a new product, picturing it much better than it really is, avoiding to mention the disadvantages, all health related in the VR case. I am not a purist or one with a perfectly healthy life, but I can see that this VR will really compromise our eyes, in my opinion. Expecially young eyes, that are still growing and maturing, will be affected by problems with focusing real images and with colors perception. When entertainment becomes dangerous, no thank's, I don't want it. I think we have to consider such aspect too when we decide to buy the VR.


Sniper Kitten
Staff member
The wow factor is impressive, I admit. Expecially with race games I had my troubles to remain standing on my feet.

Well that's because you're an old man :p

I honestly wouldn't mind the investment for VR. I haven't had time to try it yet but based upon what I've read, it's pretty cool. I'm going to wait for more games and possible upgrades first. Plus I'm working on buying a house so throw around money is nonexistent for me until I buy and move. After things settle, I may make the plunge.


Well that's because you're an old man :p

Life is a wheel, my dear :grin

Instead of the VR I think I will make to myself (and to my PS) a present for Xmas: a bigger TV with 4K resolution (and maybe a couple of soft pillows for my old butt).

Good luck for your new home!! :Onya

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