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Mic not working?


New Member
Anyone else having trouble with theirs?

I know the speaker in the earbud works fine, but I can't hear or talk to anyone while playing online(I've only played Killzone and Warframe online).
I tried to send a voice message to myself to test it but it doesn't seem to allow you to do that. Is there any other way to test if the mic works?



New Member
Bump, still can't figure this out, finally saw and could hear other people talking on Warframe but I couldn't talk back...


I Shall Finish The Game
I don't know much about it as I haven't used mine yet. what I have noticed is there is a blue slide on the mic. I assume to mute the mic. Have you tried it in both positions? I have also read it is hard to plug in all the way. Does yours seem like it is plugged in all the way?


, , Founder, ,
Try using a different mic on the Dual Shock 4. It doesn't have to be the ps4 packaged headphone. First see if that works. If it doesn't then try to use the mics with a different controller. Lets see if any of those are defective first like the mic jack on the controller.


New Member
Thanks, I'll try that if I have another mic somewhere. On another note being able being able to run all audio through the controller input is GREAT. I used to play with headphones a lot on 360 but had to have an elaborate and annoying stereo set-up so this is really handy.


New Member
Hey, I have Astros and I haven't been able to figure out why they aren't working. What all do I need to do and will the PS4 register the Astros? Also, do I need a cable to plug the controller into?
Anyone else having trouble with theirs?

I know the speaker in the earbud works fine, but I can't hear or talk to anyone while playing online(I've only played Killzone and Warframe online).
I tried to send a voice message to myself to test it but it doesn't seem to allow you to do that. Is there any other way to test if the mic works?


I had the same problem today.
I was playing cod ghost yesterday n I could hear and talk fine.
Today they didn't work.

I tried my better set. Same results.
I started to play with the tip just pushing in slightly more and both set work would
But can't play and try holding this in to hear. Just can't do it.

So I took the crappy headphones they included and a pair of snips.
Trimmed just the beveled tip off. I didn't care if these pos worked or didn't. Now they work prefectly.

I also took my better set. Instead of trimming I took a sanding block and basically proceeded
To sand the tip off, then gave a bevel to the tip similar to what it had before sanding they work perfectly. Tried them on my phone. Wanted to see if I damaged my nice set.
No problems.

Try this might work for you


New Member
Many forums has mentioned - plug in the cable tightly and it will resolve the issue.
This solution and any other setting didn't work for me; finally I figured out one thing which worked for me.

- plug in the headset cable to controller but don;t not fully. Just when its almost inserted, rotate it slightly in and out and at some point you will see mic symbol (in game or in settings), at that point do the complete insert.
Basically when cable is inserted around 80-90%, before final push play with it, rotate it, in 4-5 tries, this works


Sniper Kitten
Staff member

Sorry. Couldn't resist :)

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